Beat the darkness


Vandaag een track die ik de laatste weken zwart gedraaid heb in de auto.

Heerlijke Hardstyle plaat die goed beukt.

Daarnaast lyrics die mijn verhaal zouden kunnen zijn van mijn gevecht tegen de pikzwarte duisternis van m’n de depressie; en het herpakken van mijn leven.

De Lyrics:

It beats the darkness

Beats the darkness

Your life is your life
Don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission
Be on the watch
There are ways out
There is a light somewhere
It may not be much light but
It beats the darkness
Be on the watch
The Gods will offer you chances
Know them, take them
You can’t beat death but
You can beat death in life, sometimes
And the more often you learn to do it
The more light there will be

Your life is your life
Know it while you have it
The Gods wait to delight in you. Be on the watch
The gods will offer you chances
Know them, take them

You can’t beat death but
You can beat death in life, sometimes
And the more often you learn to do it
The more light there will be

It beats the darkness

Oorsprong van de Lyrics:

Charles Bukowski – The Laughing Heart

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